Our OnlineBootyCall Review
If you are looking for a booty call, don’t call this one. There is nothing that we found about onlinebootycall.com that we would recommend to anyone who reads our guide. This is definitely not the one you want to waste your time, or your money, looking for love on.
onlinebootycall.com was one of the sites that we reviewed. It sounds good right? In fact, the title of the site has everything that we were looking for. Unfortunately, the site itself had nothing that we were. It was one of the most expensive sites that we reviewed and all it did was take two things, our hard earned cash, and our faith in one night stand sites. There was no booty to be had on this one, all you had was a bunch of 2s and 3s who thought they were more like 9s and 10s, bad teeth, bad hair and nothing to write home about. These are girls that you definitely don’t want to meet in a dark alley, even for sex.

Why We Don’t Recommend OnlineBootyCall.com?
The site itself is hard to navigate and confusing. Looking more like someone in grammar school designed this site, the biggest tip off was that it had naked girls all over the cover. That is usually a bad sign just as an FYI. If you see a site and all that they have is naked women they are doing nothing to attract the ladies. Why would you want them to attract the ladies? Because you want to sleep with them and need them on the site. The sites that you want to target are those that are much less sleazy than this one and much classier than the caliber of women who didn’t even have it in them to answer us.
Of all the contact emails that we sent out, this one had one of the worst response rates. Of those who did respond, if we can be honest, we wish that they didn’t. This is a site that is for women who can’t get a lay if they showed up on their backs with a mattress tied to it, yet they were rude and snotty to boot. The only ones that we even remotely wanted to get closer to, were those who you had to bring either your credit or debit card with on the first date. They would be charging for any sex that you wanted.
Is Online Booty Call A Scam Site?
Loaded with fake profiles and scams, this was a haven for lonely guys who left their common sense at the computer’s edge. There was nothing hidden about the fact that the girls were real. The only ones who were fooled were those who had never had a woman to sleep with in real life. We had more 10s blowing up our email box, but of course they were nothing more than soliciting us for paid sex. If you want to go to a site to find the best hookers, quite arguably this would be the one.
Once we signed on we were entered into every irritating and annoying porno site out there. They sold our email address to anyone who was willing to pay. We had to shut it down and reopen a new account it got so bad. Obviously the way that they are making money from this site isn’t from people getting laid, it is from destroying email addresses from those who are signing on to use it.
If you are looking to get laid, get off of this site. There is nothing redeeming that we could find. The site sucks, the women suck, especially the ones who are real. This is one of the worst sites that we tested of them all. There is no booty call to be had, just a lot of ways for a lonely guy to be had on this horrible scam site.