Our Fling Review
The one thing that this site didn’t have…well who are we kidding, this site had nothing. In short, it just plain sucked. If you want to have a fling, the only thing you are going to get off of this site is disappointed and broke. One of the worst offenders on the list, it is definitely something you should pass on. No, wait! It is absolutely something you should pass on.
What was it that we found so offensive about fling.com? We found everything to suck. The site itself was hard to figure out and navigate. Full of pop up click ads, you couldn’t even get anywhere. Every time we tried to do anything we found ourselves redirected somewhere else. Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? Join this site and you will quickly find out. No, wait…don’t join this site. If you even look at it you have to put in your email address. You better put in one that you don’t want to keep. They sold our address to so many companies we couldn’t even junk mail it out. We had to shut the damn thing down all together. They had absolutely no respect for our privacy, or security.

Why We Don’t Recommend Fling.com?
The most expensive site that we reviewed, we thought we would get what we paid for. All we got was a headache and a lonely bed. The girls were nothing to write home about, and that is being generous. Out of all the sites we reviewed, this one had one of the lowest response rates. We can’t even tell you if they were real because they never even bothered to answer us. I am sure you are thinking that maybe it was just the guys we sent out, or the emails that we sent. It wasn’t. They were the same material and guys that we had lots of success on the sites that we found to be real. So what was the problem? The problem is that this site is nothing but a scam. They make you sign up to get your email and then they make the money from the sale and you clicking on all the annoying ads that you can’t avoid.
After many failed attempts at contacting women about three weeks in, we were so happy when someone finally answered. After just about two conversations with her we quickly found that she was nothing more than a girl who was looking to use guys to get her bills paid. She had no problem meeting us, but we had to send her a plane ticket because she didn’t live nearby. Apparently she didn’t get the memo that this is the oldest trick in the one night stand book. We promptly told her to “fuck off”.
The apps that were attached to this site seemed to be pretty good from the advertising. We thought we would be able to chat, video conference and have chat room fun. The problem is that unless you have a Dell from the 80s, your software is going to be too outdated to use it. There was no compatibility with anything that we had. The GPS function just told us that we can’t get there from here.
Of all the sites that we reviewed this one sucked just like the other ten. A scam just like the others, there were no girls, or sex to be had from this site. It had not only outdated graphics, but apps as well. The girls didn’t have the common courtesy to respond, if they even did exist, besides that one which wanted us to send her money for a ticket. I can’t really say if the women were a scam, but the fact that none of them either contacted us, or answered us, it really doesn’t matter. When it comes right down to it, this site was all about using your email to sell and your irritation at click ads to pay the bills. Don’t use this one if you want success. Stick to the ones that are real.