Our EasyFlirt Review
You know when it isn’t easy to flirt? When there is no one that you would even want to flirt. Therefore, even the name of this site is a big fat lie. There was nothing that we liked about this site but getting off of it and not paying for another month’s membership.
What does easyflirt.com promise in its advertising? It promised us that we would be able to meet girls in our area who were sex crazed and couldn’t wait to have a sexual experience. That is not what we found at all. This was by far one of the poorest sites that we tried. There is a reason why it is one that you probably have not heard of in the past. It is because it sucks. There is nothing that is going to keep this site alive besides suckers like us who give it a try.

Why We Don’t Recommend EasyFlirt.com?
The site looks like my kid brother put it together. It is unbelievably outdated. In fact, it looks like one of those self-hosting sites that you can do from your home office. The only way that we can figure it is still operating is because we continued to pay our membership. There are so few profiles to choose from on this site that we were one of like a handful. It was beginning to feel like a football game at some guy’s house that turned into a sausage fest.
The profiles only allowed you to have two pictures. Guys…now think about this one. If you were a girl, which parts of you would you show? The thing is that it isn’t about what she is showing, it is about what she isn’t. There was also supposed to be ways that you could communicate, such as chat rooms and video chat services, they were so outdated, unless we grabbed our late 80s desktop computer with the separate camera that wasn’t happening. I don’t know if the creators of this site haven’t heard of the smart phone or what, but someone missed the boat on updating this one.
How Much Does Easy Flirt Cost?
The membership was on a scale system. At first it seemed as if you could just sign on and have some fun looking around. The problem is that you could only access those other losers who only paid the minimum. So, we decided maybe if we gave just a little more, we would see more girls. That didn’t happen. In the end we think that there just weren’t any girls than what we saw, they just kept stringing us along.
The girls were caliber of about 4 and 5s. They were ugly, but since there were only a handful of them, it was like vying for the prom queen at a redneck high school. Unless you were the king you weren’t getting any. Of all the contact emails that we sent out we got a response rate of less than 4%. Yep, that is right no one even answered us. Of those who answered, none even went further than a “chat”.
Is EasyFlirt A Scam Site?
What did we get? Well, we got a whole lot of nothing but scam mail and other solicitors blowing up not only our emails, but get this, our phone. To sign on you had to put in a phone number. Sure it was dumb, but we wanted to see what would happen. What happened is that we had sex solicitation that called us directly. Who wants that? No real girls blowing up your dick, or your phone, just some prostitutes wanting your bank.
Of all the sites that we tried this one was the one that won the “where are the girls” award. They must have gotten the memo that the site sucks before we did. What we ended with is spending a whole lot of money for nothing. We went all the way to the top tier of membership and came out a loser. Put your credit card away, otherwise they will just give it out anyway.