Our CheatingHookup Review
If you are someone who is looking for a hookup this is the go to site. This was a site where we found more success than we had ever dreamed of. Since joining this site our guys have not gone one lonely night. They not only met the most amazing women to have sex with once, they were able to build an entire arsenal of women to call in a pinch any time, day or night. The best site for married, single and in between men alike, there isn’t a better site out there guaranteed.
This is a site that primarily targets those who are looking for an affair on the side, but that does not mean that you have to be attached to someone. You can go on the site even if you have never had a relationship at all. There are so many advantages to this site over others, I don’t even know where to start. The most major one is that it is loaded, I mean loaded with what we call revenge sex. Most of the women on this site are women who are in other relationships and either bored, or mad. They want to either find the attention they are missing in their current relationship, or they are pissed and want to get back at someone for ignoring them. Either way that is too bad for the guy they are with and excellent for you.

If you read our booty call guide carefully what you found out is that revenge sex, or women with low self-esteem are the greatest targets when it comes to one night stand sites. That is what this site is chalked full of. There are so many women looking to get back at someone, there aren’t enough penises out there to cover it. But if you are a stand-up guy you will do your part to help out. The girls all want just a little attention, so the first email that you send will get them hooked.
Why CheatingHookup.com Is A One-Night Stand Site?
Of all the emails that we sent out there was not a single one that didn’t get answered. It didn’t matter if we used our worst pick up email, or our best, these women are so lonely they just were happy that someone knew they were alive. We had women crawling all over us as well. Because this is a site that is allocated to those trying to find an affair if you are a young guy, or even not an old beat up weathered one, you are aces in the hole. Our guys had women all over them. Not just the 2s and 3s, but every woman under the sun, or at least on this site.
The security was second to none too. They didn’t go off and sell our email address to everyone out there who was willing to pay a dime for it. In fact, once we signed on we didn’t get one solicitation email back from some shitty porno site that is a very rare thing, and well appreciated to boot. We really can’t say enough good things. Also, because of the sensitive nature of this site, you needn’t worry about your personal information getting into the wrong hands, they take their online security very serious in all aspects. No one was getting our credit card number.
Is Cheating Hookup A Scam Site?
The one thing that we didn’t see at all was any fake profiles or scams. There weren’t women who were asking us to send them money to travel to see us like on the other sites, we just had women that were begging to meet us tonight, tomorrow night, hell any night. They just wanted to get out of their boring sad fucking lives. A little sad, but shit, the sex was incredible. It wasn’t as if we were using them, we showed them some loving and made them feel good too.
These weren’t women who were looking to get attention and then when it came time to meet up they lost their nerve. Nope, these were very committed and serious women who weren’t going to back out of anything. It was like they had been waiting years to have a sexual encounter and we were the ones they were going to unleash it on, and unleash they did.
Of all the emails that we sent out we got a 100% response rate. Of those we got a 100% meet rate. No…we are not shitting you. This is not only a real and legit site, it is the most amazing site we can ever describe to you. There was nothing that wasn’t spot on amazing about it. We loved every part of it.
How Much Does Cheating Hookup Cost?
The membership was a little pricier than the others out there, but for what we got we would have paid millions. This was not just a site to get lucky once in a while, we now have an entire book with hot ladies on redial at our beck and call any time we want them.
Oh…and did I mention the ladies? The ladies are absolutely breathtaking. You know the wall flower that is at the party with some boisterous blowhard and you get to thinking “what the hell are these two doing here together?” that is what these girls are. They are beautiful women who have been ignored so long that they forget that they are beautiful all together. They have no self esteem, but man should they! Mostly above 7s we couldn’t believe how easy it was to score with them. In the real world, or at least the single world, these women would have had guys all over them. More competition than we would have been able to overcome.
On this site our competition was very little and the sheer volume of women looking to get laid was absolutely immense. All we had to do was reach out and those 10s that you just can’t ever get close to were all ours.
When we did have a problem the site had a real life person to answer our concerns. Most of these sites have a contact email that you have to jump through hoops to even find, but this one had a number to call that was right out in the open. All we had to do was dial a couple of digits and someone was there who really cared about our problem. Making it even better they were interested in what we thought about the site and how they could improve it.
CheatingHookup.com Features
One of the best features of this site, are the apps. Not only is the site absolutely amazing to navigate, the apps section allows you to contact women while on the go. Not just contacting them, you are able to video chat and to see who and what you are really asking to meet out. Clear as if you were sitting in the same room, the apps are compatible with any smart phone or mobile device. You could contact someone when on the go, or waste time looking through hot profiles while waiting for your next appointment.
State of the art apps included those that had a GPS feature to spot women in your close vicinity. If you are out and not scoring a one night stand, simply pick up your phone and women who want to meet up with appear on the map. All you have to do is look through their profile, and if interested, reach out and offer to meet up with them. Could there by anything easier?
This is the best site by far of all that we reviewed. Not only is it an awesome site for the site itself, the women on it are just what you are looking for. Lonely women who are tired of getting ignored, beautiful and lonely are waiting for you to contact them. All they want is a little attention and you can quickly become their revenge sex. Hot as all get up, they are completely unaware of all the guys they could get, and they choose assholes like us. Ain’t life grand? If you want to get laid tonight and every night of your life, this is the site to get yourself on!