Our EstablishedMen Review
Establishedmen.com is a site that was created for men who had their shit together. It is a site that has women who are not from trailer parks looking to score, but fine hot ladies with class who are sick of the dating scene. The girls on this site were about the hottest of any other we tried, and although there was nothing about us that was established, they really didn’t care. It is all about illusion and selling yourself as the person that they want you to be.
The caliber of girls on this site was all 7 and up. There were not many of the lower numbers, probably because this is an arena that they just couldn’t survive in. The girls, being as beautiful as they were, were not what we expected. They weren’t snobby or pretentious. Quite the contrary, they weren’t looking for a man to take care of them for the long term, just a short night.

Why EstablishedMen.com Is A Great Booty Call Site?
On many booty call sites you get women who want to feel powerful by being on a one night stand, but then when you get to the point to meet, they are nowhere to be found. Completely not in for the long haul, they are just looking for the attention. That is not what we found with this group of ladies. They were quick to respond and didn’t want to mess around. When it was time to meet, it was time to meet.
The site itself is a little pricier than the rest so we at first were very hard on it assuming that it should have something more to offer. The thing is that it absolutely does have something to offer. What it offered us was not just a couple of lays here and there, but a lay every night that helped to build a black book of booty calls. The girls on this site are tired of doing the bars and clubs, they just want to have sex and none of the nonsense. If they liked your performance, they had no problem handing you their phone number, taking yours and putting you on their list of late night calls.
establishedmen.com was set up for the professional who has little time on their hands to be fucking around looking for a maybe lay. It is set up to match people instantly and to get on with it. Of all the women that we responded to, they all answered us. Yep, that is right every one of them answered us. They may not have followed through, but we got a minimum of an answer. There were not scams to be found, and the profiles were 100% real. How do we know? Well, we were able to have sex with 85% of those that we reached out to, and the others were available through the chat feature to see who they were and if their profiles were real.
They offer many ways to meet people from the opposite sex. One of the most technologically advanced sites of them all, they had video chats, emails, texting and chat rooms for people to get on and get to know one another. The best part of this site was the way that you could download the apps for free to use on your smart phone. A mobile version of the profiles allows you to get a glimpse of the girls in your area while you are commuting to and from work, or when you are out at a crowded bar on the weekends striking out.
The apps have something that is called GPS tracking. If you want you can turn it on, and instantly you are seen on a map so that those who are looking for a booty call can compare you to others in your area. It allows you to see if there are others around that may be interested in a late night meet up. That is great when you would rather find someone nearby than to reach across the earth to find someone.
Another great feature was the amount of security. When you sign onto the site you are given a privacy page that you can read through. Since most of us don’t read it, we just assume that our personal information is being protected. What we found with other sites is that that simply was not the case. With most of the other sites when we signed on, we apparently signed up for every solicitation email on the planet. After getting a membership on other sites we had to shut down our email boxes so that they didn’t implode on themselves. This was one of the few sites who kept our private information private. They not only had security rules, they followed them. That was very refreshing.
How Much Does Established Men Cost?
There was only one type of membership that you could get. It wasn’t the case where you paid one fee and were allowed to look, and another and you were allowed to touch. This was a fair system where when you paid you had full access to every nook and cranny of the full site and apps.
The caliber of the girls on this site was way more than ever expected. They were way hotter than you can find sitting in a bar on the weekends, and much nicer and open to meeting up. We didn’t have to jump through hoops to set things up, they were already ready and willing, all we had to do was to ask. One of the easiest sites out there, it was simple to navigate, to connect and to stay in touch.
Is It Working?
Since the site has a following for women and men who are already in committed relationships, they take special care to make your actions secretive. You are able to choose many forms of payment for your membership and to set up accounts outside your name. They also have features of security like password protections and the assurance that if someone is poking around asking questions, they won’t get any answers from the staff.
Did I mention that they are one of the few sites that had a real person when there is a problem? Most sites have a contact email that you can send in for problems, and then you can wait to see if they feel like responding or not. This site had someone real to respond to our complaints. They also welcome those who have ideas about how to make the site better and more successful for the people who use it. Responsive, receptive and real, those are three rs that we found very little of in this type of site.
This was one of the most upscale sites that we could find. The women were really hot and just tired of the nonsense. We didn’t’ have anyone trying to scam us with fake profiles, or fronts for escort services. We just had real women who were interested in getting to know us and establishing a relationship that would go more than just one night. Although termed as a one night stand site, it is a site where you can make all sorts of sexual and lasting arrangements with women who are ready and willing to fulfill your wildest dreams.
If you are only going to be on one site this is the one to be on. Not only catering to the upper crust of society, they also have all sorts of safety measures in place for those who like their privacy and don’t want their lives, and their personal information, to be an open book. This is the site to be on if you want real success.